What is Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy?
Hypnosis is the process that helps the individual enter certain realms of state of mind that we are usually unable to reach without falling asleep. Most likely, long-term meditators and yogis are capable to enter these levels without falling asleep.
A hypnotic state means to be in an altered state of mind. In everyday life, we clearly distinguish the wakeful state and the state of sleep. But it is possible to measure further differences when we measure the brain waves in the mind at different times every day, like during rapid thinking, normal everyday activity, relaxed situations or at a very deeply relaxed state during a meditation class, before sleep, during dreaming activity, and deeper sleeps. These states of the mind are normal, everyday states.
Hypnotherapy is therapy made in an altered state of mind. During hypnotherapy, we let the focus of consciousness sink into a deeper level than the usual normal awakening state and do the work required. The body rests in an armchair, and the conscious and subconscious parts of our mind are capable to work together quicker, easier, and more efficiently for our chosen goal.
Psychotherapy is a collective term for general talking therapies from the broader field of psychology, and the given therapist can use those techniques she studied at different schools.
A therapeutic session or a therapeutic process with a series of sessions usually consists of some paperwork (more at the initial session and less on subsequent sessions), consultation, tests, evaluations, counselling kind of talking, psychotherapy techniques and trancework that assist the client’s needs to achieve their goal. The therapeutic process is client-centred and based on a trustful collaboration of the client and the therapist. Usually, most sessions have a part where therapeutic techniques are used in an altered state of mind that we call trancework. That part is the core of this kind of process called hypno-psychotherapy, where the client can easily access the subconscious and have information or make changes to feel better, be better or achieve better. The therapeutic work can bring insights, understanding, release, forgiveness, desired and rehearsed new behaviour, empower the individual and help them to have a choice for clear decision making.
What is it good for?
Hypno-psychotherapy usually works well for many people many times to help reduce the level of stress experienced during challenging periods of life, ease the level of anxiety, depression or triggering earlier impacts or simply just “have a break”, a relaxing and refreshing deep rest during the day or before sleep.
It most likely will help to increase relaxation, have better sleep, achieve a quieter mind, and be able to focus on things we want to focus on. It can help us to achieve our goals easier.
Your therapist received her Foundation Certificate at the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, and her certificate is recognised in many countries. She is having regular hypno-psychotherapy for herself for “cleaning up” and to experience a client’s position; she is having supervision and mentoring to support her professional work.
And, of course, she continues with further studies in this field to be able to guide you better and better on your chosen pathway.
The following sessions will be available for booking soon, please check the online booking:
If you want, during this stand-alone session, you will be introduced to experiencing self-hypnosis. After the necessary consultation and paperwork, you can rest your body in an armchair, and with your therapist’s guidance, you can start to explore the field of your mind and master it for your own benefit. You can learn the PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION technique in an altered state of mind, in light hypnosis.
Progressive muscle relaxation is a simple and valuable technique that can be used if we are stressed, want to practice internal mind work, or simply just wish to relax our body during the day or before sleep. This technique is very relaxing for body and mind simultaneously, and people usually come back to an awakened level nicely refreshed.
As the technique is practised with a therapist in an altered state of mind, it works better and easier. The learning process is quicker than in a normal awakened state, and it helps you to apply this technique more effectively on your own after the session.
You can repeat this technique as often as you want on your own with the help of the recording of the trancework, and you can simply apply it anytime you need it. The more you listen to it, the better you apply the technique, and it gets easier and easier to use it without the recording. You are going to have a new technique, a new skill.
If you want, during this stand-alone session, you will be introduced to experience hypno-psychotherapy on a deeper level with guided open-screen imagery and benevolent suggestions. After the necessary consultation and paperwork, you can rest your body in an armchair, and with the guidance of your therapist, you can start to explore the field of your mind and begin to master it for your own benefit.
This PEACEFUL PLACE session will help you create your own peaceful place in your mind as you like it and where you can “go” anytime.
This pleasant, peaceful, and relaxing session can help you learn how to be in your very own peaceful place quickly. This technique is often used during a personalised therapeutic process.
As the trancework will be recorded, you can listen to it anytime. For engraved learning, it is recommended to use the recording minimum for a month every day. You can repeat this practice anytime throughout your life to be able to use it quickly and effectively without the recording whenever you wish to do so. Listening to the recording can give you a refreshing recharging time for your mind and feelings while you rest your body.
If you want, during this stand-alone session, you will be introduced to hypnotherapy with direct suggestions. After the necessary consultation and paperwork, you can rest your body in an armchair, and with the guidance of your therapist, you can start to explore the field of your mind and begin to master it for your own benefit.
With this HELPING HEALING self-hypnosis, you can sink into a restful altered state of mind and listen to benevolent suggestions that your conscious and subconscious mind will find appealing and valuable to help you improve and maintain your health and well-being. People usually awaken from this session with contentment and nicely rested.
As the trancework will be recorded, you can listen to it as often as you want, anytime you need it, or if you simply wish to have a pleasant and relaxing 20-30 minutes for your body and mind.
If you want, you will be introduced to experience hypnotherapy during this stand-alone session. After the necessary consultation and paperwork, you can rest your body in an armchair and with your therapist’s guidance you can start to explore the field of your mind and start to master it for your own benefit.
This WITNESSING technique helps you to observe your breathing, the operation of your mind, helps you to take charge of the breathing, makes you practice not getting involved with the thoughts of the mind, practice to focus on breathing, take charge of it, activate the parasympathetic nervous system and stay more and more relaxed. Many meditation styles wish to achieve witnessing with regular long-term practice throughout months and years, but it just happens easily and effortlessly during hypno-psychotherapy. As you master this new skill, you will be able to recognise your thoughts, and with time, you can decide easier when you wish to be involved with them. This technique can be a base for further deeper work with the help of your therapist during a hypno-psychotherapy process for different goals.
As the technique is practised with a therapist in an altered state of mind, it, works simply easier than in a normal awakened state, and it helps you to apply this technique more effectively on your own.
You can repeat this technique as often as you want on your own with the help of the recording of the trancework, and you can simply apply it anytime you need it. The more you listen to it, the better you get to apply the technique, and it gets easier and easier to use it without the recording. You are going to have a new technique, a new skill.
If you want, during this stand-alone session, you will be introduced to experience hypnotherapy with suggestions. After the necessary consultation and paperwork, you can rest your body in an armchair and with your therapist’s guidance, you can start to explore the field of your mind and begin to master it for your own benefit.
This MINDFULNESS session is intended to help you to shift your anxious focus and be more present in the present moment. It can be beneficial for every human being, but it is most likely more helpful for those who are living with anxiety. This session will help you shift your focus from ruminating on the past or anticipating the future to being able to be here, in the now, in your everyday activities and social life.
As the trancework will be recorded, you can listen to the recording every day, at least for a month or longer, and anytime later throughout your life when you need it. Putting it into your daily routine can help you to learn to be more relaxed, to be more in the present and to be able to enjoy life better.
If you want, during this stand-alone session, you will be introduced to experience hypnotherapy with benevolent suggestions. After the necessary consultation and paperwork, you can rest your body in an armchair and with your therapist’s guidance, you can start to explore the field of your mind and begin to master it for your own benefit.
The feeling of GUILT can be felt like a heavy burden sometimes. If it is difficult for you to let it go, this session might help you, especially if there is nothing else you can actively do.
As the trancework will be recorded, you can listen to the recording every day for a month and anytime later throughout your life whenever you need it.
If you want, during this stand-alone session, you will be introduced to experience hypnotherapy with suggestions. After the necessary consultation and paperwork, you can rest your body in an armchair and with your therapist’s guidance, you can start to explore the field of your mind and begin to master it for your own benefit.
FORGIVENESS is not condoning. To forgive someone doesn’t mean to accept their behaviour. Forgiveness is an act or process inside us to release resentment, change feelings and emotions inside ourselves, or maybe change our attitude towards another being or ourselves. This can help us to finish thinking constantly about certain topics and free up our energies. Forgiveness is one of the most important steppingstones on the way of complete healing, complete wellbeing.
As the trancework will be recorded you can listen to the recording as often as you like, regularly throughout your life if you need it.
Transference is a TERM within psychotherapy of a phenomenon in which repetitions of old feelings, attitudes, desires, or fantasies that someone displaces are subconsciously projected onto a here-and-now person (often onto the therapist).
Traditionally, it had solely concerned feelings form a primary relationship during childhood.
The term’s broader meaning—an unconscious repetition of earlier behaviours and their projection onto new subjects—is acknowledged as applying to all human interactions. (https://dictionary.apa.org/transference)
In hypno-psychotherapy, this session is intended to help prevent associations arising in the therapist which result from transference from a client. This session uses guided meditation and self-hypnosis to help the therapist’s sub-conscious dismiss the associations in recognition of the fact that they are the client’s problems and not those of the therapists. It is crucially important if you are helping an especially troubled client who arouses great empathy and compassion in you.
As the trancework will be recorded so you can use it as often as you like.
It is recommended to use it every day in the first month after finishing your work with clients. When you finished your work with clients, you can start your self-care routine: you can air the room, wash your hands and face, do some stretches, and rest your body in an armchair with both feet grounded and arms and hands in a relaxed position before you press the button to listen to the 20-30 minutes recording.
Welcome to the world of hypno-psychotherapy.
Trance (as we call the state when someone is in a hypnotic state) is a natural phenomenon we often experience (during daydreaming, for example, or the heightened focus we achieve on reading an interesting book or watching a film). This state can be facilitated by an experienced hypnotherapist with your consent.
The therapy conducted in this trance state comprises the use of a wealth of psychotherapeutic models (such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychoanalysis, and carefully structured suggestions) that promote exploration in the client and support the changes in thinking and behaviour that the client needs to effect to become fully functional.
The therapeutic process usually consists of about 6–12 therapeutic sessions, which can be conducted usually once a week or a fortnight.
The therapeutic process starts with thorough paperwork, consultation, hypno-psycho education, preparing for the work in a trance state, then introducing the client to work with themself in a light state and deeper state of hypnosis, teaching techniques to be able to self-regulate, and most likely applying early intervention, global and unique work and any further techniques/methods needed to find the cause, helping release, reframe and support to learn new behaviours that assist the individual better than the actual.
The therapeutic process is client-centred and based on willing and harmonious collaboration.
The trancework is often recorded, so you can use the recording for yourself (for personal use only) to help accelerate the process of change.
If you want, you can try a general stand-alone session for different offered topics before you decide to engage in a longer process. Please see the offered session types in the bookings.