Yoga in the Tradition of Krishnamacharya

Private Yoga Classes only
Please, enquire via text to 0452 536 171 or e-mail to
Address: 20B Oxford Street, Hamilton QLD 4007
Time: by arrangement
Type of class: Foundations / Beginner – according to your personal needs and capabilities
Zsuzsanna, your yoga teacher gained her Yoga Teacher Training Education (registered and approved by Yoga Australia) in the Tradition of Krishnamacharya in 2020.
As in traditional yoga lineages, we are going to start the class usually with some warming up and asana (yoga posture) practice, after that exploring our breathing patterns and practise pranayama (yogic breathing) and finishing the class with different forms of relaxation and meditation.
More about your Yoga teacher’s background
In the field of sport, yoga and meditation
I completed sport nearly all my life starting with ballet, rhythmic sport gymnastic, a long period of martial arts, some belly dancing and lots of yoga.
I became interested in the knowledge of the ancient yogis at the age of 18 by reading a travel guide, named India. I bought my first asana practice book immediately and started to practice the unique looking challenging asana postures from the descriptions. I have practised different styles of yoga in the last 20 years and discovered my great Yoga Instructor in 2018. I began my yoga teacher training in February 2019 and finished in October 2020.
My education is traditional Indian; the linage of the knowledge transfer lane is:
- Leanne Davis – my teacher, yoga teacher training instructor, former president of Yoga Australia – Her teacher
- T.K.V. Desikachar, son of the pioneer of modern yoga as an exercise:
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya –
My meditational pathway started at the age of 21, with the meditation art of Zen Buddhism, called Zazen.
Later I was initiated to practice Rei-ki, a Japanese Buddhist hands-on healing art; and became familiar with the healing on a spiritual level via the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends.
Since 2006, I became interested in the Indian Mantra Meditation, Vedic Philosophy and Psychology through the knowledge of the Indian Vaishnavism.
Parallel with my Yoga Teacher Training I am getting more and more familiar the basics of Western Psychology and Vedic Philosophy, practising Yoga Nidra Relaxation, Meditation and Mindfulness, with a wonderful and well known Hungarian Yoga Teacher, Dr Bela Daubner who is a Physician, Ayurvedic Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist. This knowledge is based on the teachings of Swami Rama, Swami Veda Bharati and Swami Ritavan Bharati. This knowledge can be very helpful for us on the path of our internal development we can use in our everyday life.
My yoga classes are based on the teachings of Krishnamacharya and reflecting my therapeutic and general knowledge about mind and meditation.
If you would like to participate in balancing your body, improving your posture and breathing, calming your mind and gain further self-awareness, you can book your class here:

Slowly, during our ongoing and longterm practice, we are going to be familiar with the Sanskrit (ancient Indian language of the sacred practice of yoga and knowledge) names of our used techniques in asana and pranayama and we are going to get familiar with the ancient yogic text called the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali that gives a base for our practice.
The only thing you have to bring if you would like to participate in the class is your non-slippery yoga mat. That is all.
The private classes for individual needs are available for 1 person only at the moment with instructions in English or Hungarian language. For further information please simply text me on 0452536171.

Looking forward to meeting you at the class.
20B Oxford Street, Hamilton 4007 QLD
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